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Country Pantry Outreach
Place food donations can be placed in the collect bin at the Kirkland Town library and other places around town. Monetary donations can be placed in the offertory plate, or sent to the church office. Make checks to St James, Clinton with Country Pantry in the memo line. Current needs are listed below:
The pantry has already started collecting for the 2023 Thanksgiving/Christmas season. They request canned yams, canned vegetables, gravy, cranberry sauce, canned fruit, boxed mashed potatoes, stuffing, financial donations toward eggs, bread, cheese. (Please earmark check for holiday food)
Several parish members regularly volunteer at the Country Pantry. St. James' parish members assist in delivering food to shut-ins. We also are part of a food packing team. Click here to learn more about the Country Pantry.
We collect food
for Country Pantry.
Contact us if your have any questions or needs.
St. James Episcopal Church
9 Williams Street • Clinton, New York 13323 • 315 853 5359