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Prayer for Japan

O loving Creator,
bring healing and hope to those who, at this time, grieve, suffer pain, or who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
We remember those who have died and we pray for those who mourn for them.
We pray for those who may be affected as the tsunami spreads across the Pacific.
May we all be aware of Your compassion, O God, which calms our troubled hearts and shelters our anxious souls.
May we pray with humility with our troubled and struggling brothers and sisters on earth.
May we dare to hope that through the generosity of the privileged, the destitute might glimpse hope, warmth and life again.
Through our Saviour Christ who lives with us, comforts us and soothes us.

O God, the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, O God, the Son, our Friend and Brother, and O God the Holy Spirit, who Leads us Into All Truth: Pour into our hearts the abundance of your mercy so that We, Your People, gathered together during this holy season of Lent in the Year of Our Lord, 2011, may give from our abundance, to help People in the face of so much destruction, suffering, injury, and death, during the Great Earthquake in Northeast Japan: followed by fires, tsunamis and the threat of nuclear fallout. We ask this, in the Name of the One who gave His Life that we might live forever: Our Savior, Friend and Brother—Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Amen.
A Prayer from the Rev. Timothy Nakayama (Diocese of Olympia)
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    St. James Episcopal Church
    9 Williams Str
    eet • Clinton, New York 13323  • 315 853 5359
    C. Richer, website adminstrator