In 2019, St. James' provided funds to help build a roof for St. Matthais Church and School parish in Camp Perin, Haiti.
Since 1995, St. James’ parish has supported Père Fred’s ministry in Haiti.
In February 2019, Père Fred visited St. James, Clinton, to share his story. Père Fred worshiped and celebrated Holy Eucharist with us. Posters in the parish hall showed photos of Haiti and our involvement there. Thanks to funds from the sale of the Lewis House and a matching grant from the Diocesan Global Mission Fund we presented Father Fred with a check to help reconstruct the roof at St. Matthias. Left: Karen Anderson, Père Fred, the Rev. Gary Cyr.
Right: the Rev. Gary Cyr, Rector, presents Père Fred with a check during the meet and greet after the Sunday worship service. They stand in front of a painting from Haiti, a gift from our Haitian parish brothers and sisters.
In 2017, a group visited our companion parish of St. Paul's Parish, Beaudin Jean Pierre, Haiti.
In 2013, two St. James parish members traveled to Haiti to attend the Haiti Connection conference, tour parts of Port au Prince, and reaffirm our commitment to support the work of the Sisters of St. Margaret and to help those in need.
Children at the Holy Trinity Elementary School.
Karen and JoElynn with Fr. Ajax
Contact us if your have any questions or needs.
St. James Episcopal Church
9 Williams Street • Clinton, New York 13323 • 315 853 5359