To join by phone: dial 1-646-558-8656,
Key in Meeting ID: 863 3862 6450 and passcode 345198
The church is always open for prayer during the day. Prayer stations provide tangible ways to pray for our communities and leaders during this election period. Each station has selections from Scripture, an activity, and a prayer. Invite a friend, family member or neighbor.
Thanksgivings & Celebrations
During the month of November, we invite you to share thanksgivings and celebrations from your own life or the life of our parish this past year. You can write them on a notecard (in the pews) and place them in the offering plate during church, or you can email them to our Rector. They wil be celebrated and posted on a bulletin board.
St. James is the yellow wooden church half way up Williams Street (on the left heading away from the Villiage green). Some e-maps locate us at the corner of Williams and College Streets, the location of Stone Pres Church.