In worship at St. James’, we gather to feast at Christ’s table in Communion, to hear what the Holy Spirit might say among us through scripture and preaching, to pray for our own needs and for the world, and often to worship God through music.
Weekly Services - In Person and Zoom
Saturdays, at 4 p.m., we gather for a peaceful spoken service; sometimes we have fellowship with refreshments after the service.
Sundays, at 10 a.m., our worship includes beautiful music, followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall or Lemonade on the Lawn.
Participating In Worship
At the back of the church, an usher will greet you and give you a bulletin that contains what you need to follow the worship.You are welcome to participate in the service as little or as much as you feel comfortable. If our style of worship is new to you, please take your time and don’t worry too much about whether you’re doing it right. Regardless of how the details go, God’s love is here, and we’re glad you’re here!
You are invited to join in speaking some parts of the service (printed in bold in the bulletin) and in singing hymns (hymn books are in the pew racks). At various points during the service, people will be asked to stand or kneel as able. We want you to do whatever helps you to feel most at ease and connected with the worship. All who seek to meet Christ here are most welcome to receive communion; you can also come up for a blessing, or stay where you are.
Children in Worship
A Joyful Noise
If you’re worried that your child may not be able to sit quietly for the whole service -- don’t be! At St. James’ we love to hear the youngest saints playing and exploring during the service. This is the beautiful sound of the church breathing and growing.
We know that children can play and worship at the same time, and we have toys, art supplies, and even a special play area for children near the front of the church where they can see the action of the service.
If you and your child need a break from the service, our Sunday School room is always available during services and features:
Restroom with a child-height, manual (not automatic!) flush toilet and a step-stool at the sink
Changing table and rocking chair
Toys, books, craft supplies, and sandbox
You can find the Sunday School room by going through the door at the front right of the church, straight ahead, and then to your right through the kitchen.
Parking & Accessibility
We have a parking lot, including one handicapped parking space. Additional street parking is available directly across from the church along the west side of Williams Street.
From Williams Street, you can enter the church by stairs to the big red doors or by the wheelchair accessible ramp right next to the big red doors. There is an additional entrance in the rear of the parking lot; these stairs lead into the Parish Hall and through to the church.
You can find the closest restroom by exiting the door at the front right of the church and taking a U-turn. More restrooms are across the Parish Hall and in the Sunday School room.
We’re Here to Help
We’d love to talk with you about your questions and help you find what you need—please ask an usher, your pew neighbor, or the priest. You can also email the priest beforehand if you have questions or accessibility needs. We hope to meet God’s love together with you sometime!
Contact us if your have any questions or needs.
St. James Episcopal Church
9 Williams Street • Clinton, New York 13323 • 315 853 5359