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St. James

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church office 
leave voicemail at 315 853 5359 or

Our Parish Administrator is typically in the office
Tuesdays       8:45 am to 2:45 pm
Wednesdays 8:45 am to 2:45 pm
Thursdays    8:45 am to 11:45 am

the Rev. Dr. Joanna Benskin

About Mother Joanna
Mondays are the Rector's Day of Sabbath (day of rest).
Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days to find her in the office for drop-in hours.
On other days Mother Joanna continues in her work in the greater community; connect with her by e-mail or mobile, or to arrange for an appointment.

Church adminstrator
Linda Wightman

Organist and Choir Director
Irina  G.  Popov

Mustafa ("Mujo") Salkic
About our Sexton
Current Vestry Members 2024
Beverley King and Randy Wilson

Vestry -
Linda Buck, Joan Compson, Mark Linderman, Deborah Mott, Mary O'Neil, Barbara Swetman, Kathy White and Sharon Young

Lay worship leaders
Karen Anderson, Brian and Kathy Collett, Chris and Patty Fox, and Patricia Jue
Karen and Patricia are also lay preachers.

Commissioning of the 2024 wardens and vestry, including a vestry member joining by Zoom.

      Contact us if your have any questions or needs.
    St. James Episcopal Church
    9 Williams Str
    eet • Clinton, New York 13323  • 315 853 5359
    C. Richer, website adminstrator