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St. James

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News and Events

Films at St. James'

Past Event:
Philadelphia Eleven Screening

On May 18, 2024 we hosted q simple soup and bread supper, and screened the documentary "The Philadelphia Eleven." A lively discussion followed which included remembrances from several female clergy in our Diocese. The Philadelphia Eleven were the first women priests in the Episcopal Church. Learn more...

Past event: Common Ground

On April 27, about 15 of our parish and community members viewed this fillm that provides hope in fixing a broken planetary system through regenerative agriculture. We enjoyed a simple soup and bread dinner. A lively and informative discussion followed. The film covered the deeply personal stories of white, black, and indigenous farmers at the front lines of the food movement. Click here to view the offical trailer.

Past Events Sacred Sites Open House

On  Saturday 18 May 2024, we participated in The New York Landmarks Conservancy Sacred Sites Open House weekend. This 2024 theme was "Welcoming Our Neighbors." We joined with our neighhours Stone Presbyterian Church.

Our church has been a place of worship for Episcopalians and all others since the 1860. Through the years we have a refuge family from Vietnam and from Bosnia. Our parish members were founding members of the Clinton branch of the ABC (A Better Chance). We continue to support Building A Village (Utica), the Clinton/Clark Mills Country Panatry, and our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Our building houses the St. Jame' Day School, and hosts multiple community activities including AA and Zumba.

      Contact us if your have any questions or needs.
    St. James Episcopal Church
    9 Williams Str
    eet • Clinton, New York 13323  • 315 853 5359
    C. Richer, website adminstrator